How can I get $10k to buy a business?

My boss just told me that coming sunday , he is shutting down his recording studio that I work at, it came as a shock , its not to big of a studio , he has it in the mall, but now that he is going to stut it down, he told me if I could put $10,000 down I can buy it, and own it , work it for my self, since I worked for him, and since he felt bad that I will be out of the job if he shuts down, so he offered me the best deal out of it, and no I’m sorry he is not making this offer to anyone but myself,

But my question is, with no credit or anything, how could I make $10,000 fast or is their a place near spring grove , illinois, that would loan someone with no credit to help me buy this small business??

Please let me know

Thank you

Answer #1

Try the Small Business Administration.

How much is he selling you the business for? Does the business make enough to make the monthly payments to him, the Small Business Administration and enough for you to have a reasonable income for yourself?

When you check with the Small Business Administration, the above information is some of what they will want to know.

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Answer #2

Try goverment loans, I have heard about them in the past…but could be B.S. I donno. Good Luck

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