How can I fold my bandana like Kanye West?

Yeah, how can I fold my bandana like he does? Because my boyfriend is annoying the heck out of me to figure it out, and I have noo idea. Help please?

Answer #1

nope, its the love and relationship category. And if your boyfriend wants to know how to do it so bad, tell him to figure it out. Damn the girls out there that put up with crap is amazing.

Answer #2

Wrong Category.

Please pay attention to what category your inserting a question into. Kayne West Bandanna Folding is obviously not Love and Relationship related. =P

Answer #3

uh person above me this is the beauty and style category… but anyways first flod it in half so its like a big triangle and then you fold it in & you can either make a big fold in or a littler one just keep folding until you get to the end (oh and star at the corner the isnt one of the cress corners) then put it around your head and tye the ends then take it off your head and do you hair =]] I’ve done it 100000 times so if you need more help just ask

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