How! Can I fix my itouch?

I put my itouch on a wet counter, and it killed the backlight is there anyway to fix that? I dont have a warnty cause I bought it off someone and its been like a month, everything works on it but the backlight. Any Ideas?

Answer #1

yeah, I did its on the max of brightness and still nothing

Answer #2

its the light that lights up the screen. did you go to the settings and see if the wet counter just messed that setting up?

Answer #3

um back light I have a ipod touch I dont know what you mean by a baclkight..

Answer #4

Okay. this may seem weird, but trust me. lol. I’ve dropped my phone in the pool before and this worked. Get a big bowl of white rice and put your iPod in the middle so that every bit of the iPod is covered with rice. Leave it there for 1-3 days. How does this work you ask? the rice will absorb the moisture from said iPod, thus curing your iPod from its problems :) Keep in mind, I did this with my phone, I don’t know if it will work with an iPod, but if you’re desperate then it’s worth a try :)

I hope this helped :)

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