How can I deal with this guy?

I have asked a variation of this question SO many times, but I really need help. there is this guy ( a junior, in high school. I am a freshman) and he wants to hook up ( make out) with me. I think he would take it slow though because he knows I’m really inexperienced. I like him and I kind of want to, but I don’t want my mom to find out because we are really close and I know she would be upset. she is kinda over protective as well, which makes all of this a lot harder. my friends said they would support me no matter what I do. I am just unsure. any advice??

Answer #1

Hey, Dont do that at all. regardless what that guys wants to do with you, I respect your mother she wants to protect you .wish if all mothers are like yours !!

Answer #2

DONT do it. he wants to HOOKUP and not date and get to know you. Hes just looking to use you and take advantage, hes a horny immature boy, youre just gonna get hurt in the end. I’ve been in the same situation when I was a freshman except with a senior and I thought he would take it slow and juniors and seniors, if they wanna hookup with you their gonna start slow then move fast. DONT

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