how can I cum faster

Me and my girlfriend have been dating for 2 years now and she always finish way before me and she feels upsat that she can’t make me cum but I’m not just a 2 min guy it usauly that’s me 45 min to and hour min to cum is there something I can do to make myself cum faster?

Answer #1

this is quite unusual, usually its the girl that takes longer…but no bad, don’t worry

Do you masturbate? maybe if you have too much during the day then when you see your girlfriend it’s much harder to reach a climax because your, I dunno, maxed out…

don’t worry, lasting that long is a good thing C;

just tell her it’s not her, and you think she is beautiful and amazing or whatever…maybe one night you two could focus on you and what feels really good, experiment and tell her when she is doing something right..

Answer #2

Masterbate and get a head start? Tell her to do or say stuff that really turns you on.

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