How can I break it to my friend that we like the same guy?

So my friend was telling me about this guy she liked, and she asked me to talk to him for her. I had never meet, or seen him before, but I did it anyways. I talked to him on her a social site, and realized he was REALLY cute, and really nice to. I talked to him about my friend, and he said he doesn’t like her… like at all. We talked for a while (cause he added me), and weve hungout a few times. I also see him twice a week cause I go to chuch with my friend now. And now I REALLY like him; and he says he likes me. How can I tell my friend that without hurting her?? I’m sooo confused!

Answer #1

I mean, it wasnt talking to him about If he liked her or not, more of just cause she was busy. So instead of her having to say “brb” she had me talk to him. I kinda feel bad, cause me and him hungout with two other friends last night, and we talked A LOT. Apparently, he doesnt like my friend at all… and just like the answer above says, he was ALL over me last night. I feel guilty, but at the same time, I feel happy?

Answer #2

Well what I think you should do is follow what you think is right. If he says he doesnt like her then there should be no harm in that. your friend should understand. if he doesnt like her you cant do anything about it. its up to him who he likes not you. just tell her you met him and hes nice and he said he liked me and I like him 2.

Answer #3

Could be trouble lol, I hope your friend is cool…otherwise she might be mad at you cause she liked him first and she trusted you to talk to him for her. She may not trust you again. You should tell her as soon as you can. Tell her he came on to you when you talk to him, which is the truth.

Answer #4

aaa what I suggest you is to take your friend take your futur boyfriend let themgo to the movie and tell your futur boyfriend to tell your friend that he loves you and tell him to to say to your friend : can you help me with your friend I really like her” IF your friend don’t want that means shes not your friend because friend help friend…

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