how can i be more foucsed at school

ok i have a bad attention span and i want to be more foused at school but don’t no how please help me how can i pay attention better

Answer #1

Aim for really high grades. As you start working to chieve them you will no longer notice the efforts you have done. This will make you enjoy school and even looking forward to exams.

Answer #2

It would be nice if you could get up out your seat every 45 minutes and stretch or walk. Not going to happen. But really, sitting in class listening to a teacher lecture is a passive situation. Than you become bored and drift. To make the class more interesting for you, you have to engage in the discussion. You need to ask probing questions. In short you have to take an active role in the subject. You don’t have to carry the class but you need to take the initiative and make the class work for you. A lively debate is worth 10 lectures.

Answer #3

force yourself to read often, because lack of focus in high school and college kids is usually linked towards dislike towards a subject, but also there is a widely used trend of “oh i can’t focus I have ADD”, sleep earlier at night, eat breakfast, eat meals in the morning that boost energy, I used to have soda everyday to keep me awake, but i don’t reccommend that for obvious health reasons……..if nothing else and you’re really lethargic all throughout the changes, go get ur thyroid checked it might be working slower than usual. then maybe even the possibility of an ADD exam

hope this helps

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