How can I be like rebecca on workout

Don’ say im crazy but I want to be exacly like her personality wise

Answer #1

Huh? I was just giving you some advice, you can take it or leave it. No reason to be disrespectful.

Answer #2

shut up

Answer #3

your being a hater is what your doing

Answer #4

You shouldn’t want to adopt someone else’s personality. Even though Rebecca may be a really cool person you see on TV, you don’t know what she’s like when the cameras are off. You should just want to be yourself. If there are some nice qualities you see in her such as kindness, humor, or toughness, then you could try to better yourself in those areas. But don’t try to be exactly like her and mimic her in every way. It’s a bit creepy and you may lose yourself in the process.

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