How can I be confident if I don't feel pretty?

I know that many people say that confidence in a girl is really attractive, but how can I be confident if I dont feel pretty? I mean, dont you have to be confident about the way you look, or at least not care what people think if you want to be confident? But I cant get over it. All my friends are prettier than me, thus more confident. And sometime when we’re hanging out watching TV theyre like ‘oh my that girls ugly’ and that girl that theyre talking about it about 10 times prettier and it makes me wonder if they think shes ugly that what in the world do they think of me? its not acne or anything thats making me this way, my skin is fine, I have a good body, its just my face that im insecure about, and im a teen, im not going for plastic surgery. what do I do? I feel that I would be happier if I would be confident because confident people always seem so upbeat, energetic, and happy in general.

Answer #1

Im 13 and I know how you feel. I know everyone is saying that but see, we all know how you feel. I have very high self-confidence but I have glasses, a few breakouts, a big chest and my thighs are big if you ask me. Im not “fat” but I have things about me I dont like and me and my friends are very open to eachother and when one person says " I dont like this” everybody says something. Also, we are teenagers, everybody our age is having a hard time right now. You may not know it, but no one is “perfect”. Make yourself feel as pretty as possible and if you like the way you look, dont let other people put you down! You are who you are so be yourself!!! Have fun being a teen, it wont stay for long!!

Good Luck! ( :

Answer #2

I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!! I was like this for a long time. trust me, im a teen too and I know that you feel like youre ugly but NOBODY I REPEAT NOBODY between 13 and 19 thinks they are a beauty queen! if you feel bad, try getting a haircut that hides yuor least-loved features. for example, I have a big forhead so I got stylish side bangs that covered it up. if it is an issue such as glasses, try contacts. if you have braces, dont worry because you will get them off one day. im not going to be an idiot and tell you “everybody’s special.” but you said you have an ok body right? and good skin? well guess what? my best friend is pretty. in my mind prettier than me. I have pretty nice skin also and a very very large chest. (im 15 and im a DD). but guess what? last year she had a pool party and I noticed how flat chested she was! also, when she jumped in the water her makeup came off and I realized SHE WASNT AS PRETTY AS SHE SEEMED! she had at least 5 pimples on her nose that she had been conealing with makeup! and I found out later that she though I was much more attractive than her because I had a big bust and nicer skin. so think about the things YOU have that your friends DONT because I bet you anything that they each have something about you that thye are jealous of too. look around, is the prettiest one smaller busted than you? does the one with the best body actually have acne that she is covering up? trust me, everyone had some flaw that they are totally insecure about, and thats ok. ♥

Answer #3

thanks… but if you see a really ugly person acting really confident wont if go through your mind what is she so confident about??

Answer #4

Stop feeling ugly. You aren’t ugly, no one’s ugly, especially not you!

You are pretty, and no matter what anyone says, even you, you’ll always be beautiful.

Answer #5

you should be secure with yourself .. dont worry about what other people think … I am not the prettiest girl in the world but that dosnt mean I have to be worrying about it all the time .. I know a lot of people think I am ugly but I dont care what they say I am happy with myself .

Answer #6

You have to fake it at first. Even Tyra Banks has admitted to faking her confidence at one time or another…and then, gradually, you will become confident in yourself. I know it sounds silly, but it really does work. Try it out and tell us how it goes, k?

Answer #7

You can’t really change who you physically are. Granted you can dress nice and that will help the way you physically portray yourself.

The most important thing, however, is for you to learn to like and really care about yourself. If you are true to yourself and honest with other people, then you will start developing confidence in yourself.

When you start exhibiting confidence, other people will start judging the book less by its cover and more by its content.

Treat everyone as you would like to be treated and everything will work out in your favor. Think positive, be positive and do positive.


Answer #8

Listen I know how you feel. I used to be like that. Well I still kind of am like that. If you really think about it you will realize that there are uglier people out there. Everyone has their faults. Even your friends. I am sure that they have a problem with something about them just like everyone else does. If you dont like your face think about what else you have. What you have that other girls would kill for. When you start to realize everything good about your body your self-confidence will start going up. I know mine did.

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