how can I

how can I lose weight from your thighs? how can I make your boobs bigger?

please help me thanks if you gave me adive

Answer #1

I made my boobs biger by not whering a brar not that I knew it would happen

Answer #2

heeya, you lose weight from your thighs just by running or doing step ups (by the way steps up are really fun if you do them infront of the tv) And you cant really make your boobs bigger and everyone is different so it doesnt matter,mine are quite big and I would love them smaller.And if they in shape with the rest of your body they why need to change them?

Hope I helped Bye,byexx

Answer #3

Hello, In the near future you can do an operation that goes like this: extracting the fat from your hips/ thighs, extracting STEM cells from this fat and insert STEM cells in your boobs. This way your boobs will grow naturally and you will also lose fat. Look here for more info:

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