How can anybody do this?

How can anybody just delete one from his/her profile and forbid them from writing anything on his/her profile and even a funmail?!? :( I mean…thats just sooo rude…

Answer #1

Maybe he wanted to have more to do with you than just friends. When you wrote if it was possible to fall in love with someone 18-20 years older then he probably thought that he no longer had a chance. So that is probably why this “friend” may be upset with you.

Answer #2

well as far as I remember..this person was a great friend…and without anthing happening b/w us…he simply threw me out of his friend list.. this is why I am a little disturbed… nothing else..

Answer #3

I don’t think it’s rude at all - usually there is a reason for someone doing that - and it’s usually because there has been some kind of conflict or drama - and they would rather not continue it anymore.

Answer #4

oh..! you maybe right…but am really feeling bad about it… there is a big misunderstanding going on.. how can I deal with it now… :(

Answer #5

Online, people think they can do anything. Just because there is a screen in between people don’t give explanations or just break contact. Simple fact of the internet. No one is real until you meet them. And people treat you (or me or anyone else) like it.

Answer #6

You can’t feel bad that this person decided to remove you. This person must be somewhat immature. Don’t worry. He must’ve just been infatuated with you. Just let it go. I hope your love life is still good. Just focus on that. GoodLuck, Mama K

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