How am I this depressed?

I can’t deal with much anymore… I’m just getting upset and dpressed, I’m not going to consider suicide, or cutting but I just feel like this depression has come over me and will not go away. Anyone have anything to say about this? anything which would make me feel abit better? I’m not really looking for “sorry” ‘s I don’t think I belive in those anymore…

Answer #1

I know how you feel, except I went to the extreme, I started cutting last year, and I tried hanging myself, but the rope I used wasnt strong and it broke, so I just lived with my depression, and then this year I broke down and went to a psyc ward and tried killing myself again, and I dont regret it, but whatever. all I can say is go get help, reach out and find someone that can help, I reached out when I told my counsellor that I wanted to bring a gun to school and kill myself infront of everyone, so they knew my pain. and it helped me, just to tell someone how I felt and everything, reach out is all I can tell you. im here, I understand, I dont judge. I’ll help you if you want.

Answer #2

meee, your wrong by saying what does not kill you only makes you stronger… what doesnt kill you will only leave scars and marks of the past which we cannot get rid of…

Answer #3

I know the feeling…I feel so depressed most of the time. I started cutting about 5 months ago. I dont understand why im feeling so crap or stuff but I just feel rubbish and sad all the time.

I told my guidance teacher and the counceller at school and am getting help for some of it.

Your not alone with the depression, and its not easy to get over.

Answer #4

I am 28 and have been threw a lot and if you are a strong person you can do it to always remember this what does not kill you only makes you stronger. and you are a nice looking girl and you can make it. I may not know you but you can do it.

Answer #5

Sometimes it happens… sometimes there’s something that happened to trigger it, sometimes your neurotransmitters are just out of balance… Some people get over it in time, some people take longer, and some people can’t get over it on their own. Im one of those people, it took me 8 years and 2 trips to the ER before I finally got help. And it did get better.

I dont know if this will help, but most people with depression survive, and a lot even get better. The important thing to remember is that it can get better. Also, this may not make it better, but to stop it from getting worse you need to not hide away. Go out, do things that you used to do, hang out with your friends. Even if it takes energy you need to keep doing these things or else the depression will get worse…

Answer #6

Depression is only a state of mind. We are not really depressed but happy. We just don’t know it. I am learned to think of depresssion as happiness. Sure I have no friends, Sure I’m a loser and my life is crap. Sure I will never accomplish anything in my life. Sure, I know I will never succeed in anything I do. Sure, nobody cares about me, whether I live or die. Sure, the world is better off withouy me. Sure I am uselss and life has no meaning, but above all I learned how to be happy with living a meaningless life. My purpose is nothing, my destination is nothing but, I am happy with that. It took me years but I can be happy with emptiness and nothing.

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