How ami going to get through this

Ok so um im pregnant and my boyfriend is trippin because every body is finding out he is relly trippin and he is hardly talkin to mi and he said he is down for his ninio nut he is acting so freaking immature abt it I need help on how to make him ok wit it Or something

Answer #1

ok..first off…your boyfriend has every right to be nervous. it is after all…a baby. a new life you’re bringing into this world and yourself and your boyfriend are now going to be responsible for this little child’s well being. I suggest seeing a professional therapist if you both are feeling overwhelmed. this is a big step and weather you or your boyfriend are ready or not…you are about to be PARENTS.

yes…parents. which means that while your boyfriend is understandably nervous he must now come to grips with this fact. you yourself must learn to be strong and start seeing a doctor if you aren’t already. you both need to consider how this will effect your lives and give some thought to how you’re planning raising this child.

bottom line…it doesn’t matter if everyone is finding out your pregnant…you’re going to need all the help you can get. as for him not talking to you…you better sit down together and START TALKING NOW…nine months is not a long time to get his act together…and he needs to start stepping up now…good luck my friend.

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