How a snake bite piercing swells?

I want to get snakebites but I alredy have my right side of my lip pierced about a year now and am only wanting snakebites now. So I was just wondering how a snakebite would swell if you get it one at a time. Does it swell the whole lip or just the side of the piercing? You see if it swells the whole lip I would have to get the bigger labret(I have a labret not ring) on the alredy pierced side. Anybody know?

Answer #1

a stud is for your ear a labret is the name for the bar with a screw on ball or spike and as for the swelling the whole side of your lip you get pierced will swell up for around 3 days so if you get them both done, your whole lip will swell up on both sides

Answer #2

A labret is the middle, do you mean stud? Altough I do not know for sure since I only have one side done right now, I plan on getting snake bites to, I would assume (since every person is unique) that your 2nd one would swell jsut liekt he 1st one did. So if it was me probably just the one side, But I would advise having a larger stud or ring ready just in case, or you could even talk/ask you piercer.

best of luck!

Answer #3

so I shud get a longer labret for when I get the left side pierced?

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