How to cope with a cheater?

How do you cope with the fact of knowing your man cheated on you with girls he just met and coming back to you,he lies because he because he scared of the concequences and doesnt want to lose you,and deep down inside you feel like a sucker

Answer #1

You don’t cope with it - you leave him.

If he cheated on you, he DOES NOT love you, I dont care what he says or what you think. You would not do that to someone you love. He wasn’t thinking about you when he couldn’t keep his penis in his pants, so why are you thinking about him now.

End it before you get hurt anymore.

Answer #2

you never cope with it…YOU LEAVE HIS LYING A$$…know your worth, he doesn’t respect you now and propably never will…you don’t need him.

Answer #3

I don’t noe is hard because if you really like da guy maybe you give him a chance but if he cheats on you whenever he wants I would probably leave him until he realize who he just lose.

Answer #4

if he was drunk, or stoned, he might not have been able to help himself…

Answer #5

My boyfriend cheated on me in the first month, and lied about it for the next 11. I sometimes regret staying with him. But I love him now and it’s not that easy after over a year to leave him.

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