How do I describe myself on my profile?

how do I describe myself on my profile?

Answer #1

Talk about your personality and mix it with your looks like me for example would be:

A tall brunette who is always up for a good time, totally down to earth and always there for her friends.

However there is a craze in England for these kind of descriptions:

Parents called her: (your name) Fell from heaven: (Your birthday dd/mm/yyy) Which makes her: (Your age) She brushes: (Your hair colour) She sees through: (Your eye colour) She stands at: (Your height) She struts in: (Your shoe size) She sparkles in size: (Your dress size) She loves: (Whatever you love - family, chocolate etc) Always: (Whatever you describe yourself as) Treat me: (Usually say “with respect”)

Other ones could be: She drinks: (Type of drink) She smokes: (Cigarette brand) Or instead of she brushes - she straightens etc

Or think up some of your own!

Answer #2

bmw is right. just be yourself, it’s not that hard. just describe you. it dosnt have to be detailed or even that intresting. you shouldnt hve to put hardly any thought into it.

Answer #3

Just say who you are, I mean describe your personality.

Answer #4

Can’t you edit your profile?

Answer #5

I’m sorry but I don’t know neither I wish I did

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