Houseeparrttyyy :)

I’ve been wanting to have a house party for a long time, before the summer, I asked my mum can I have one on the fisrt weekend of summer and she said yeah, for an hour while we go for a meal, but I didnt have one in the end, but I want one to end the summer holidays but I dont know how to convince my mum to let me have one, it wont be a big one, but I dont know what to say to convince her, any ideass xx

Answer #1

yeah I seriousley agree with teezybae your parents should b out. send them out for dinner or something and make sure when they come home theyre a little out of it… (make sure they have a lot to drink)

Answer #2

I hope your friends are better behaved than mine. My friend’s house party got so out of hand. The place got trashed, the back door was hanging off it’s hinges, someone fell in the pond and killed 2 fish, there were people..well.. being intimate in not just her bed, but her parent’s bed too, someone stole a mini-fridge.. I could be here for hours. Y’know the funny thing? It was her ‘friends’ that did it all. My best advice: Don’t. Source: Personal experience.

Answer #3

You can’t really have a good party if your parents are there..unless you plan on playing board games.

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