Hotel housekeeping interview advice

So tomrrow I have an interview at the traveloge hotel for housekeeping and I have never worked anywhere before I dont really know what to expect or what kind of questions there going to ask me in the interview got any advice??? Thanks :)

Answer #1

Hi I used to work as a housekeeper in a hotel,best job I had didn’t need to go to the gym my job was my workout!!They always ask why you want to do this what are your good and bad qualities sometimes they make up scenarios and ask you how would you handle it stuff like that just don’t be nervous and good luck.

Answer #2

One thing my friend told me was to always dress nice no matter the interview and always smile. Look them in the eye and although you might be nervous it’s normal. So good luck

Answer #3

I have my first interview at a Hotel too. And I am extremley nervous but my mom used to be a manager at a hotel and she said to make sure that you know what you’re going to say so that when you go in there you don’t use like or um a lot. She also said that she loved when she seen someone walk in dressed nice because she said to her it made her feel like the job was something to get ready for.

Answer #4

lol cant help you unfortunately… have my first interview in a week or so…

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