Hot topic dispute

I think hot topic is a pretty cool store, I don’t wear the clothes because Im not personally into that style but they have some really awesome jewelry and cool nail polish and stuff like that. Any ways today I was at the mall with a couple of friends and I wanted to go to hot topic to check out some jewelery and as we were approaching the store they were saying stuff like “omg im scared to go in. did you just see that girl who walked out of there? um yeahh were gonna meet you somewhere else..” then I just said this straight to their faces “wow I think what you just said is pretty ignorant and that its a really bitc*y thing to just ditch me like that even though I went into all the stores you guys like even though I hate them myself.” I don’t know what to do about this.. one of them is my best friend of about 13 years. Am I overreacting or was I right to say what I said to them?

Answer #1

maybe you over reacted just alittle. but it was good to stick up for yourself.

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