
I curl and flat-iron my hair a lot. im black if that makes a difference but how can I keep it from falling out or getting too thin…any good products or home remedies

Answer #1

make sure you keep your hair moisturized an not dry.. they make heating serums for black people to keep your hair frm splitin an drying out dey sell it at sally beauty supply -[K.JIBBLE]

Answer #2

girl start wrapping your hair at night with a scarf and a stocking cap that way you won’t have to keep flat ironing it and put a lil bit of olive oil on your scalp about once a week&wash your hair and deep connition it every two weeks and flat iron every two weeks keep this up I’m telling you im black to it worked for me any moe questions just hit me up

Answer #3

I agree with the person above me and try using a heat tamer before you use any hot tool on your hair

Answer #4

hair is naturally going to fall out most people lose around 90 pieces of hair aday

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