What if this hot guy wants to do stuff?

Okay so this really hot guy at school says he wants to hang out with me. and he wants to finger me, and wants me to give him head. I have done either and im only 13! I want to do both, but im scared and dont know how! I need tips! please help!

Answer #1

she rite !!! my best friends did the same sh*t when she was 13 (she 14 now) && peepz still call her a slut!!!

Answer #2

they are right I have done something witha guy an im suprised that it hasent got all over the whole school yet an the person I did it with im very suprised that it hasnt got out he has a big month an I would be labed as a stut to so no worrys hunny I no how you feel

Answer #3

I hope you know that you’re just being completely used by this boy. being scared is a huge sign that you’re so obviously not ready. have some self-respect for yourself, you’re only 13. you don’t want to be labeled as an easy slut.

Answer #4


Answer #5

Don’t rush into doing those thoings until your ready. Once your ready it’ll just come to you

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