Horrible halloween?

I had a horrible halloween:( Who else had a horrible halloween?

Answer #1

I guess the family of the boy who was shot and killed while trick or treating had a pretty bad Halloween.

Was yours that bad?

Whenever you feel like self-pity is deserved, perhaps you should stop and think about all those who have it worse than you do.

Answer #2

Ohhh get over it and quit being so serious. Okay Mr. BORING?? Okay GOODBYE.

Answer #3

Oops I meant Mrs. boring lol I thought you were a guy my bad.

Answer #4

I’m not here to entertain you.

Answer #5

So sad.

That was nothing to joke about.

Answer #6

I was that little boy. jk hmm I guess your right. My halloween wasn’t that bad it’s just that all my best friends are boring fake biiches.

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