Hormones playing

Hi Guys Im almost 7weeks pregnant

I love my now boyfriend - but I miss my x fiance is this normal is this hormones playing with my head

Answer #1

I just cant come to grips and feel that I that I love my now boyfriend

my x is on my mind 24/7

Answer #2

Not forgetting your ex just proves that you have a big heart. Don’t feel ashamed or guilty about it, just try to focus on the future daddy a little more.

Answer #3

yes its your hormones because my boyfriend left me when I was 16 weeks pregnant and I got my self really sick and I lost the baby. so be careful ok.

Answer #4

I just cant come to grips and feel that I that I love my now boyfriend

my x is on my mind 24/7

Answer #5

will thats how I was but I cried for my boyfriend 24/7 when he left me so maybe thats why I lost my baby.

the baby’s daddy is with me again and he does not know about the baby .

your x might just come back to u. so just remember that the one you should be with is going to be there for you.

Answer #6

“yes its your hormones because my boyfriend left me when I was 16 weeks pregnant and I got my self really sick and I lost the baby. so be careful ok.”

How does that even make sense, or how is it at all relevant to the question?

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