Homophobic Family

I’m bi and my parents are against anyone that is. I would like to tell them really, but I don’t know how I don’t know how to keep secrets that long and they’ll probably take me to a hospital/church. What to do?

Answer #1

tell them you were just masturbating with ya boys

Answer #2

I would advise against telling them at this time. It will only cause chaos - or is that what you want to do. (According to what I have heard on Loveline, a young teen that wants to announce that they are gay or bi, is just trying to strike at a parent - sort of a giant F* YOU in their face.)

If you can wait until you are ready to leave home for college and have a network of supporting friends, it will work out much better for you. And wait a little longer if your Dad and Mom are paying for the schooling. Plus by then you will be too old to be forced into counselling.

However it works out, I wish you Good Luck!!

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