What's the best, simplest, homemade teeth whitener you've tried?

Answer #1

Hydrogen Peroxide. Its great for cuts too. dont drink but gargle.

Answer #2

backing powder mixed with water

Answer #3

baking powder* or baking soda

Answer #4

I use arman hammer baking soda mixed with water. it works for me.

Answer #5

Use a little bit of Baking soda when u brush ur teeth but don’t swallow it.

Answer #6

baking powder w/ water but it tastes gross. rinse out your tooth brush good.

Answer #7

Hydrogen Peroxide really isn’t good for most injuries. It is a strong oxidizer and can cause additional tissue damage and is not a very good antiseptic. It can help remove clotted blood, puss and dead tissue from nasty wounds. but otherwise isn’t recommended.

Answer #8

Make a paste by mixing 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide 2 teaspoons of baking soda. Place the mixture in a small bowl. The thickness of the paste should be consistent as the typical thickness of toothpaste. For a beter taste, add a bit of mint or just a scoop of toothpaste can be combined with the home-made paste for whitening teeth.

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