History or science?

In your opinion, what do you think is more important, history or science?

Answer #1

Science, but I think they are both important.

Answer #2

Science, great without history you’ll repeat the same mistakes, but without science you’ll just be sitting in the mud waiting for something to kill you.

Answer #3

I think lots of the findings for science depended on findings/occurrences in history. So I’d say history.

Answer #4

I think that they are both important but I like science more because you can do experitments and I like to get my hands dirty so I think science is more important…imo

Answer #5

dont knock history, you can stop from making mistakes when you learn from the past… it is important to know why things have gotten to where they are…

Answer #6

I think science is, because history has already happened. But like ‘doglova’ said, it depends what your future job will be. In my opinion, science, because like I said, history has already happened.

Answer #7

it depends what you want to be when you’re older, if your dream job is history then history is most important and vice versa.

In my opinion though, science is more important.


Answer #8

Take whatever you are more interested in. It doesn’t even matter if you learn anything from either of them. What you don’t want is to study something that will bore you or piss you off. In the end, you can do without them both, or with them both.

Which is more important? SCIENCE!! Um…technology, the ablility to record and pass on history is made from science. Science is the entire reason you are able to ask this question. W/o science we have no technology, no antibiotics, no cars, no guitar hero. To hell with history, I am sticking with my xbox.

Answer #9

history you get to learn other peoples mistakes so you dont have to do them!

Answer #10

History. Because Science becomes a part of history someday.

Answer #11

u must understand the past to excell in the future…

remember, history repeats itself.

Id say history

Answer #12

History is the important part. . . if you forget it you repeat it.

Answer #13

Science is more important - but I’d much rather take History because I find it more interesting and I’m better at it.

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