his ex girlfriend...

okay so theres this guy and well were not technically dating. but I did make a mistake by doing ti with him. and well I don’t know what to do. but hes telling me now hes talking to his ex. and that shes freeking out that hes talking to me and stuff. is he trying to make me jelous?I don’t know what to do. advise please.

Answer #1

maybe he’s trying to make you jealous.

but don’t stoop down to his level. just stop talking to him. I know after having sex with someone that’s hard. but it sounds like he needs a taste of his own medicine. act like your not worried about him- and see what happens from there.

Answer #2

Trust He Is Soo Tryna Make You Jelous &+ Make You Feel Bad About Having Sex With Him .. Maybe You Could Play His Game Aswell &+ Say Youve Started Talkin To This New Lad And That You Like Him Or Somthing..Because Remember 2 Can Play At 1 Game x

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