
Why is the fear of long words… a long word? Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia

Answer #1

that’s crazy, I wonder if that’s real. wow..googled it and it is. that’s crazy. Ok, I researched this a little more and hippopotomonstrosesquippedalio phobia is not actually used in formal writing for the fear of long words. The actual fear of long words is simply called sesquipedalophobia (a little better). The hippopotomonstrose part is just added for irony and lends nothing extra to the meaning of the smaller word.

Answer #2

I KNOWWW!! I DIDNT GET that EITHER WHEN I FIRST SAW IT!!! I was in my AIS class and I was going through my agenda book and I saw it and I was like uhmm wow that makes nooo complete sense at all!!! but yeahhh. its a LONG word with the meaning of FEAR OF LONG WORDS!!! yeahhh I agree with the person ontop of me (not in a sexual way) it IS wackk!!

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