Hip Piercing

Ok, so I do my own piercings. I did my own snakebites, except for the one my friend did to make it even, my own septum, and I jsut did my own hip, jsut one side.

I’m going to use saline solution (contact solution) to clean it so it stay moist. Please don’t critisize me on the fact that it’s dangerous, or ugly, or might reject or whatever. Jsut give me advice on :

  • any other cleaning and care tips.
  • how to gadge it so I can get my bar bell in(16 gadge needle in now; to 14 gadge bb.)
  • time it takes to heal( if cared for correctly)
  • and anything else that would be helpful( other than telling me that I should jsut take it out.)

Thank you <3 ~ JKittyKARNAGE

Answer #1

You need to use h2ocean or sea salt water. Surface piercings hardly ever heal. Hip piercings are reallly hard to take care of and very rarely ever heal. It takes 6months to a year to fully heal, if it does. Clean it really well and don’t touch it with dirty hands

Answer #2

i have had my hips done too , with barbells as a surface peircing . they are the sexiest peircings on anyone , i love them . buuuut.. they are a BITCH to heal . clean them everyday , after you shower . use any kind of saline solution ( h2ocean , wound wash , contact solution etc ) DO NOT touch it unless you wash your hands first . healing time varies from peson to person , and most hip surface peircings sadly dont heal ever . as for the gauge problem , you should peirce with a bigger gauge needle and put a smaller gauge barbell in . i had mine for 3 months , and they rejected :( if yours do , think about getting microdermals . they hurt more , probably cost more, and you cant do them on your own . but they heal so well , dont rreject, ont migrate and look the exact same . i have had mine for a year now and i love em :)

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