Heyy...friend or boyfriend ?

How can I start talking to this guy I like on a FRIENDSHIP LEVEL first before I get to know him on a deeper level…if I’m shy. We haven’t ever really talked, just said hey to each other.

Answer #1

Next time you see him say hey and strike up a conversation. If you know what he likes talk about that. If not try with a general topic like music or sports or something and narrow it down to his favorites. That way it will give you more to talk about Have a friend invite him to go hang out with a group of people for a sport of just hanging out, not girly stuff. and make sure to invite other boys so he doesn’t feel awkward around the girls. Act as calm as you can manage and don’t be all giggly. If he likes a certain team watch them so you can talk about that. Just let your friendship grow and develop. Don’t be in a rush it can take a while to develop feelings.

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