How to get motivated?

Im such a messy person everything is messed up with me … My room, my mind my feelings … I got exams coming up I don’t know I need to revise more because my teacher was off 2months !!! Im behind arhh coursework for business !!! There millions of things to do and I dont have the motivation … I can easily get a* in most of my subjects but just lazy I suppose ! I always plan everything in my mind but never apply it in reality I waste time on computer I dont know what im doing just check my email every 5 minutes ( cause of ebay urhh

I need to set everything .. I want to have a planned life — follow a timetable but I will never follow it ( I tried

I need more motivation please ohh tell me how can I be that kind of person that I want to become …

Answer #1

In your situation what you have to do is keep low expectations at first, and then slowly raise them. The best advice I can give is keep track of your successes. Encourage yourself. If on a given day you accomplish 30% of your goals do not look at it as “oh I haven’t done 70% of what I planned to do.” Instead you should tell yourself something like “Oh my God I got 30% done!!!”. It certainly is a lot. You know I remember back in high school, this expert commented on how wisely people spend their time. He said that on average 25% of our time is used productively and the rest of the time we waste it.
You have to reward yourself. For example if you like spending time on the computer then tell yourself that after doing your homework you will go on the computer and then do it. If there’s anything that’s distracting you then get rid of it. If you are spending too much time on the computer then maybe give your password to an older brother/sister or a parent and tell them to change it for you so that you cannot go on.
How about this. It will work you gotta trust me. Just try it. Exercise!!! Take a 15 minute walk a day, you will get some fresh air and feel more motivated. Let us know of your progress. Good luck and I hope this helps.

Answer #2

well… I have to say that I have the same problem… I always say I am going to do something but never get around to do doing it. You just have to suck it up and do it. even though its the last thing you want to do just do it so you can get it over with. try to keep your room half messy not full messy. (if that made any sense) and some times just stop and think and go back. so you dont get confused.

Answer #3


Answer #4

Yeah, dont be too hard on yourself. I know its hard but you can do it, just keep on telling yourself that. Life isnt always easy, you have to work really hard to get the career you need and after when you do all of that, you’ll be very proud of yourself. Maybe lay off the computer for a while until you get all of that off your back. I believe in you!!! :)


Answer #5

Yeah, dont be too hard on yourself. I know its hard but you can do it, just keep on telling yourself that. Life isnt always easy, you have to work really hard to get the career you need and after when you do all of that, you’ll be very proud of yourself. Maybe lay off the computer for a while until you get all of that off your back. I believe in you!!! :)


Answer #6

Hey, I think most kids today go trough the same thing. I know I have. It´s all about motivation. Without your as good as cursed with a messy room and bad grades.

But you say that you have every thing planned in your head and then it just doesn´t work out. Well, the second you´ve planned something DO IT. Don´t wait, just do it. Because in that exact moment you have everything planned in your head is a moment where you have motivation. So just use that motivation and DO what you need to DO.

You really don´t want to be stuck with a messy room your whole life and at the age of 30 working at a burger place. `Cause it sounds to me that you truly don´t want to be that person That´s why you´ve asked here for help. Am I right?

Answer #8

why don’t my answers get posted?

Answer #9


Answer #10


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