hexed quarts necklace?!

I have this rose quarts necklace that I got a while ago and I was wearing it the night I went to this physic message circle. I took it off that night after the circle and just put it on today(it’s been about 4 days since the circle). I felt all dizy and felt like I was going to pass out and I was breathing all weird, like I just ran a lap, and it felt like I was about to burst out in tears. I took the necklace off because I had a feeling it was the necklace and as soon as I took it off I felt normal. Could my necklace be hexed or something?!

Answer #1

get a white ribun and wrap it around the necalace and cant “make them see make them see times three “ 10 times and dont wear it for a full 24 hours ok thats how you lift a hex from a necalac

Answer #2

Yeah - it could definitely be a sign of something. Sylvia Brown is my favorite physic and she explains that kind of activity.

Answer #3

I commented you on that 1_~ best of luck

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