What to do if my crush is torn?

I’ve known this guy for 3 years now… and at first we were really good friends then we started this little flirting thing but when i told him i was going to move… he just went on and asked out another girl. They’ve been dating for 2 years but in between she cheated on him and he broke up with her but he didn’t come to me so i figured he was over me. but now I found out he still likes me but he already got back together with his girlfriend and she’s jealous of me so we can barely even hang out. But he tells me all the time that hes not over me and he doesn’t really want to be with his girlfriend but he won’t break up with her. What do i do if I’m really not over him and hes really not over me???

Answer #1

Well, my favorite and true saying is>”actions speak louder than words”. If he isnt doing what he says, then his words mean nothing!! Get over him….because if he really did still like you, he would be with you right now, not her. You need to realize that, and start listening to everything hes NOT saying. Dont wait around, for something that probably wont happen!!! You want to believe everything hes telling you, but his actions arent showing the same!!

Answer #2

see what happens with him and his girlfriend right now, or if u cant wait that long, just talk to him and tell him how u feel. He probably feels the same way.

Good luck, its a messy situation, i hope u get what u want, but take his feelings into consideration also, because he might have feelings for you and his current girlfriend, give him time to heal if they brake up then see where it goes from there.

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