hes friends hate me ..

well me and my boyfriend have beeen going out for 5 month… and most of his friends hate me a lot and my boyfriend dosent find it to be problem.. but it realy bothers me… should I break up with him or should I just not even care about his friends hellp

Answer #1

I would find out why they hate you, and go from there. Nobody hates someone for no reason, so if you think there is no reason, there IS one you either don’t want to admit it or don’t understand what you did. Talk to him, or even talk to them.

Answer #2

I was in the same sitch and if you like him a lot you shouldnt yes its hard but ignore them look to yer franns not them

yer friends are the one you like and wanna be with not his and if you like him there is always a way to get around the problem

trust me dont worry it puts stress on both of you but dont break up with him cus of other people

Answer #3

~~His friends don’t necessarily hate you, they probably just hate the fact that he’s choosing to spend a lot of his time with you. If you really care about him and want him to be happy, encourage him to hang out with his friends sometime WITHOUT you around, as long as he makes you feel special when you’re together. Guys need guy-time, sometimes.

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