Heres to all ok is it possable

That a guy maybe cheating on hes girlfriend if he constantly acuse her of cheating and tell her to have other guys he dont care. And they have known each other of 4 years now he should know by now that shes loyal but he still acuses her of cheating and say to her sinse she has another boyfriend now he can find someone else too even tho shes not even with another guy is it possable that he maybe the cheater and trys to get rid of hes girlfriend by acusing her instead?

Answer #1

Could be a lot of things really, he could of been cheated on before, he could have other people feeding him crap, or yeah he could be cheating, and wants to find a way to justify it.

Answer #2

I think we cannot say or think he is cheating, he can be or he cannot, but the fact the he is acussing the girl is not how the girl will know. Actualle there is no way to find out if someone is cheating unless you se him/her… like a sex in the cuty quote that says that cheating is only cheating when the other person finds out..! so stop being insecure and enjoy the relationship… dont start thinking on what could be happening… if you find somehting then you act… but for know.. enjoy this 4 years and the coming years with your boyfriend

Answer #3

is it possable

…yep… and fairly common too…

Answer #4

Sometimes the guilty accuse the innocent. It happens a lot.

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