What will help my acne?

ok so I’ve been having trouble with acne/pimples.. I’ve tried everything! name it I’ve probably tried it! what do you think will wrk 4mii?

Answer #1

Do NOT put toothpaste on your pimples. It will only aggravate the skin and make them worse, it’s a myth that it helps. The same goes for lemon - it will dry out your whole face not just the pimples you want to get rid of. Have you tried tea tree oil? You can apply that directly to spots before you go to sleep and it works overnight to dry your skin and is better as it’s a natural product rather than those harsh acne treatments can be. Use a mud mask on your face once a week to deep cleanse, and always moisturise. Some people think that because you have acne you shouldnt use much moisturiser but you do need to to nourish the skin, especially as a lot of acne products can make unaffected areas of your skin very dry. It could also be hormonal - maybe see a doctor who can prescribe something. Take zinc tablets daily which may also help heal your skin from the inside.

Answer #2

well using things are “for acne” using soap, just regualr bath soap, for your face it works a lot better I use to have the same problem and soap hekped =D nothing else but before you go to sleep, put a little bit of tooth paste on your pimples cold helps shrink pimples

Answer #3

you should try letting your face breath for a litttle , if you wear a lot of makeup . dont for a couple of days . and dont wear your hair on your faces pull it back . gressy hair will cause pimples . um , I don’t know what eles to say haha . go to a dermetoligist and askk them to put you on medicien.

Answer #4

I still say gets some lemon and pour a little salt on it then rub it on your face it helped me a lot

Answer #5

Try Equate Acne Treatment Maximum Strength. I used this on my pimples 3 times a day and they cleared up in a few days. Plus this is great for black heads.

Answer #6

nothing if u’ve tried it all. Im pretty sure most acne products are the same thing just different label :(

Answer #7

or try skin ID…it works better than proactive

Answer #8

rubbing alcohol..really every night before bed wash over your face with cotton ball or makeup sponge

Answer #9

try clearasil products. They work good :D

Answer #10

Well, I use Acne Free it work really well.

Answer #11

it is mainly because of dirt ,oil etc…..check this out….it explains it all http://funadvice.com/r/16b9l57271b

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