I wanna die my hair.

ohkay. I wanna die my hair. I want to die it completely blonde and then underneath a dark brown. would it look ok?

Answer #1

you mean DYE it, not die it…you dont want to kill it and no in my opinion people with light coloured hair and then dark coloured hair underneath it look horrible

Answer #2

yea I think it would look nice or you can die it blonde with black underneath either way both would look nice… Hope I helped!

Answer #3

It has to do with your personal taste. If you like it then do it. It doesn’t matter what other people think.

Answer #4

I have that with my hair and it looks amazing!

Answer #5

im getting that done too.I think…hah.but yes,it looks very good on girls

Answer #6

yeaah I find it cool =)

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