Should I wait for him?

Okay.. there is this boy and he is like my 1st crush.. I liked him in 6th grade and I still like him! and the funny thing is that he likes me too! so whats the problem:..HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND!. but I know he likes me and he tells me that he is too scared to break up with his girlfriend because she is in love with him but they will break up because school is almost over and she lives very far away from him and then like 2daysz ago! he kisses me! and then tells me that his girlfriend’s aunt lives close by and that they are staying together!..WHAT SHOULD I DO!.. should I wait for him becaus ei am like in love with him.(I think) or should just move on!

Answer #1

I you help how you feel but you can move on. at some point he’ll be with someone and when you’re not and sometime im sure you’ll be with someone when he’s not but at some point when the time is right for it you’ll both be single and it will make it that much better sometimes thats just the way these things go…I know from experience. you can have feelings for more than one person at a time and that usually strengthens feels in the long fun.

Answer #2

I think you should move on. because most likely if he wanted 2 be wit u. he wuda already been wit u. he shud just tell her that he is not in luv wit her.

Answer #3

first off he should not have kissed you if he was still gonna go out with the other girl so yah try to move on you could probably do better

Answer #4

is it better for us to just stay friends because I believe that we will be together one day!

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