Help with dying my hair

I have strawberry blonde/ginger hair. It is very very thick, and I wanted it champagne blonde. The salons say it is too thick and will take too long to do. Do you know if it will work ? And will it get very damaged? How often will I need the roots doing? Will any salons do it or should I do it myself at home??? Thanks x

Answer #1

Do it at a salon. If it has to stay in longer, the kits you will get from the store to do it on your own will fry your hair. The bleach at a salon isn’t quite as harmful to your hair and it will keep it healthier. You’re going to have to put bleach in, as well as the actual color dye, so you don’t want to fry it before you get the opportunity to color it. Plus they’ll be able to recommend good product to maintain and re-vitalize your hair’s health, most product at salon’s isn’t marked as overpriced as some may think it is, and it’s better for your hair than most of the crap you buy from grocery stores or retail stores.

As far as the roots, I’d say probably once a month? If not every other week. I know for men it’s recommended a haircut about every 2-3 weeks, so I would assume the same goes for women and their hair coloring. I’m not positive about that one though.

Good luck.

Answer #2

It is never to long and as long as you keep it conditionized it will be fine and your roots will have to be done when ever your hair starts to grow and it is all depending if you want to spend a lot of money fo the salon go for it greatclips will do it and you could easily do it at home I love to do my moms hair and she loves it so it is so easy so just like do it yourself or get someone you know to do it it will look good I know.

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