help with boyfriend doe she like me still?

Why wont my boyfriend text me back.. we use to text all the time now he only gives one-word texts no random I love u’s or baby does that mean he doesnt like me or something else?

Answer #1

I think it means he is busy with his life like, studying, playing video games or watching sports. also it could mean he is bored with this and the so called ‘honeymoon’ phase of texting is over for him.

Answer #2

Take it from me as a guy. In the start of a relationship things are exciting, and guys tend to want to know everthing about you which requires a lot of texting/calling. But once you two are together, and you know eachother well, there isnt much to talk about hense the lack of interest in texting. this doesnt mean he doesnt like you, he just may not want to text 24/7. UNLESS hes always uninterested in talking to you even when you guys are hanging out, im sure youre fine.

Answer #3

leave him to let his life.. if he didn’t like you, he’d break up with you. Don’t annoy him so much hun, guys need there space..

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