Help with a guy please!

In eigth grade I moved to a new school and made a bunch of new friends. One of these friends was a guy. There was a rumor going around that he liked me but I refused to belive it. Then at the end of the year he asked me to the formal. I said yes but then found out that he had asked 4 girls before me who had all said no. I got upset (not realizing that I actually liked him) and told him that I felt awkward about it and that I wanted to go with my friends instead. He frowned and said ok. Then when freshman year came we didnt talk at all. Sophmore year came and I realized that I had liked him since eigth grade and that I had screwed things up pretty badly. So I asked him to the sophomore formal. He said yes but didnt show up. I had my friends ask him what was up with him and the response I got was that he didnt really want to go with me. I got angry and (thought) I stopped liking him. But of course when junior year came around I found myself at the hands of Cupid with an even bigger crush on him than ever. I find myself hating him but liking him at the same time. He looks at me strangely occasionally but other than that there is no interaction. My friends also tell me that he asks about me a lot. So I’m a little confused. What should I do? Does he like me or is he just worried he hurt me? Help!

Answer #1

ok I sorta had the same problem exept the person I like I hardly saw and when I did I could never tell if he was flirtin with try saying hi to him everyday and graduly talk to him more and more. try ro see if you can become his best friend or even more then a best friend. then if he still dos all that and more and he sorta flirts with you ask him out. this worked with me. good luck

Answer #2

talk to him

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