Help..why is this?

Heyy, im 14 year old chick and im just curious why does life get worse and worse instead of better?

Answer #1

Coose your friends and those you hang around with carefully…..the old saying: If you lie with dogs, you’re gonna get fleas… very true…..pick the right friends to hang with and you’ll be happy, keep a positive attitude, try your best to do what is right (we can’t be perfect, but we do have the CHOICE in everything we do)…..have good fun and keep that beautiful face of yours….SMILING !! God Bless You and Good Luck

Answer #2

I remember 14.

14 was mostly fun but hormones at that age can leave you frustrated and confused about many things including a changing body and that body’s changing needs. The best we can do is think about us is 5 years. What is that person we are becoming expecting from us today? This was told to me by my grandmother. I was a bit spirited and impatient. But that sentence did stick with me. It helped me make better decisions that were not always easy to make because I didn’t always want to listen to reason, even my own.

So live your life happy, make mistakes as long as you learn from them, don’t let anyone disrespect you but be nice and kind every chance you get. Write down your goals and one of the best thing I have ever done for myself is cut out from magazines all that I wanted in life and put it in an album that I looked at every chance I got. I still have one and I keep changing the images as my goals and wants change. I can tell you that this works, because your brain works better with images and will start changing your behavior in spite of yourself to get you those things you so want. All you have to do then is sharpen your ability to recognize opportunities that will get you where you want to go.

I read once that the universe will give you what you ask it. Don’t be afraid to dream big. We all deserve so much more than we think we do. So I guess the answer to your question is that life gets better if you say it gets better. The sky is the limit. Believing is everything.


Answer #3

The teenage years are tough due to hormonal changes, but actually they are some of the best years of your life ! Enjoy each day . When problems do come, try to find the most positive solution as well as outlook, and this will take you far in life.

Answer #4

In our eyes things appear to be getting worse and worse. You are a teenager and trying to find your independence and fitting in with your peers and at times making decision on things happening around you which you don’t understand why or have much control over . As you continue alot of things will appear to look worse at times. Being a teenageer is a frustrating confusing and frieightening with thoughts of will it ever end or where do I belong. The madness of trying to grow up and trying to fit and you have peers, school, choices parents, friends etc which makes it hard to make the right decision. Always trust your instincts and find someone who you can trust and speak with someone. You took the first step by talking about it on here. Keep up the good work

Answer #5

Fourteen is very hard, I know. But try to remember everyday that you are wonderful (full of wonder) and are exactly where you are supposed to be right now. You don’t have to be everything to everybody, just be true to yourself and never, ever let anyone tell you that you are not “enough”. Because don’t you know, you are made from the stuff of the universe? And try to stay in an “attitude of gratitude” because no matter how hard you think your life is, there are always people who have it much, much worse. Be grateful for even the little things (that you woke up this morning, that you have to brains to even ask these hard questions, a home to live in and people who care) And don’t worry so much about the future and fret over the past that you forget to live today.

Answer #6

14 is a difficult age. Years ago, a popular saying about being 14 was “you’re too young for boys and too old for toys,” and that just about sums it up. However, at 14, you have so much to look forward to and ‘that’ is how you have to look at it. You won’t be 14 forever, and trust me, the time will come when you’ll say “Where did the time go?” It WILL get better!

Answer #7

It doesn’t neccessarily get worse, harder, but it doesn’t have to be worse. It just depends on how you look on it. I mean sure, you have to pay bills and do things by yourself when you’re an adult, but there’s also a lot more freedom and independance. Can you imagine how refreshing it would be to not have your parents breathing down your neck all the time? My point is that life is what you make it, so you better make it good!!!

Answer #8

people say enjoy it wile your young, cos you have to stand on your own two feet when you get older like getting a job and looking after your self. but i dont agree the hardist part or my life was making it to 18, but it is true a bit cos i hated school and everyone would say to me, youll miss it when your older, and i do, but dont miss nothing other than that. i think its hard been a teen but you will fined that it does get better

Answer #9

Thankyou so much for all your advice..i really appreciate it.

Answer #10

thanks so much…

Answer #11

Life is what you make it!

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