Help! What should I do?

I’m 18 and my girlfriend is 16 and we have been going out for almost 2 years. I love her and I care about her, but we’ve been on and off many times before. My problem is, we constantly argue no matter what and I don’t know if I can take it anymore. What should I do? Do you have a solution or should I walk away from this relationship?

Answer #1

Every couple has arguments. But if your arguments are over stupid things, it generally means the relationship isn’t the best. When the two of you feed off of each others attitude and make life difficult for others, that is another sign that you should end the relationship. If it doesn’t make you happier, feel better, and content, it’s not worth having.

Answer #2

Maybe you two need a longer break just to cool your engines and think about what you really want from a relationship, and decide whether or not this relationship is fulfilling those needs and wants. It’s not healthy for you two as individuals or for the relationship to constantly be arguing. Maybe you two are just from two different worlds and will never see eye to eye.

Answer #3

It depends what you are constantly arguing about. If its always over small things then yes maybe you are just getting to each other and need some time apart for now, but if its over huge things that are occuring on her behalf or your behalf then tou need to talk and work thru them if you want to that is. If you want to work it out with her then talk to her so you can get to the bottom of why you are arguing all the time, but if you really want to leave then suggest some time apart to work out your feelings for each other.

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