She's dying

we found out from the doctor that she might have cancer but that she is bleeding into her stumache and loosing a lot of blood they don’t think that she has a chance of living and she is berly eating or drinking I cant let her die she’s like my child I cant loose her. is there anything that I can do anything at all to help her if nay one knows please tell me I don’t want to make this the 11th death in my life please can someone help.

Answer #1

ask a child doctor…he or she will put her into surgery to stop the bleeding.if she will not eat they will have to feed her through a tube going down her throaght.IF YOU WANT HELP NOW TAKE HER 2 HOSPITAL

Answer #2

I’m so sorry to hear about your pet. If she’s bleeding into her stomach due to a tumor, then you must do the right thing by her, and send her to the bridge. She’s totally dependent on YOU, to care for her up to and including not letting her suffer. That’s the hardest part of loving a pet…

I’m sorry you’ve had so much loss in the last year…but “wishing” her well, won’t make it so…Say good bye…and know you’re doing the right thing in letting her go…

I truly feel for you…


Answer #3

are you talking about your dog?

try and make your question clearer so we can give you acurate advice

Answer #4

this is under pets and animals. do you mean your actual child or your pet?

Answer #5


Answer #6

Pray and ask God to be with her.

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Pets and Animals

Pet Care, Animal Behavior, Veterinary Medicine