Do you think I'm pregnant?

Okay, so i finally got a pregnancy test..and it came out negative. Is there any way it could be inaccurate??? By the way we had protected sx, and he didn’t ejaculate. In case you didn’t read my other question, here it is. Okay, so around the ending of May my bf and i had protected sx. The condom didn’t break or anything. HE DID NOT EJACULATE. I’ve been getting my period since then, which was 2 times and should be 3 soon. i’m not sure if they were my period, or if it was implantation bleeding..but they seemed just like my periods cause they came at the same time of the month each time, i had cramps and sore breasts as always when i get my period. but from mid june-early july my stomach was sore almost everyday in the morning and night. It wasn’t suuuper sore, but it was sore. And then it went away after a little under a month. The day i got my period in July, i left for a trip to alaska for a week, then a cruise a week after. I felt nauteous for a little while a few days out of the week, but i’m not sure if it was because of the ship or something. So yeah idk if those are signs of pregnancy! Please help and give advice..

Answer #1

I am very impressed that you protect yourself. Good job to both of you.

Implantation bleeding happens when the fertilized egg implants onto the wall of your uterus after traveling through your fallopian tube. It is a very small amount, usually pink in color and sometimes women do not even notice this. It is common for this to happen close to the time a regular period would have started which is why sometimes it is mistaken for a light period. This type of bleeding would not happen twice in one pregnancy. You could not have had two implantation bleeds consecutively. Most likely they were your periods. If either was implantation bleeding, it would have been the latter.

Some women experience similar signs of early pregnancy when it is close to starting their period, tender breasts, water retention, fatigue, clumsiness, cramps, etc. This makes it more difficult to decipher impending period or pregnancy.

If you experienced motion sickness, that would have been during the time you were in motion. As soon as your equaliberium was stabilized, the motion sickness would have gone away. There are so many reasons you could have been experiencing some nausea. Bad food, stress, virus, among other things.

The home pregnancy tests available today are certainly extremely accuarate with a 1% chance of giving false results. The most common false result is a negative. If you are pregnant and taking the test too soon, there may not be enough of the pregnancy hormone, HCG, to be detected yet. You could wait another week or so to see if your period arrives. If it does not, you could re-test. A positive home pregnancy is very reliable but you should always follow up with a doctor.

From what you described above, I would say you have nothing to worry about. He was protected during penetration and did not ejaculate.

I hope I have answered all of your questions.

Answer #2

Hi it seems to me that your not pregnant but you want to be. I has Implantation bleeding on the 2nd May which was a pregnancy sign and Got my period 2 weeks later then my periods went in to patterns for 3 months I just don’t know what to think no more half of me thinks I’m pregnant and still having a period its kinda funny in a way cause you don’t believe that you can’t be pregnant

Answer #3

These tests are 99% accurate so I think you are just panicking for no reason. Like the previous person said… you are fooling yourself into feeling “pregnant”. RELAX. Okay?

Answer #4

been here many times. your freaking your self out and making yourself think you are pregnant so if u are its not a shock. your fine hun.

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