help pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee

How do I stop moping over this guy? I have NOTHING to live for ever since he left me. he was my life. its like half of me is missing. how can I ever live like this?

Answer #1

Yeah but if you can’t let go, you can at least distract yourself so that you don’t think about your ex all the time. Time heals, so even if you’re incapable of dealing with the past, eventually the future will come anyway and you’ll have new things on your mind.

Answer #2

Try getting involved in your community. Fill your time doing something so that you don’t have time to think about him. Can you go out with other friends? Volunteer somewhere? Start a new hobby, go to the gym. It is normal to feel a loss when a relationship ends, no matter what the circumstances are.

Answer #3

God if your going to start a new thread every time someone says a semi insulting thing to you your a bit too sensitive to what people think. The point I was trying to make is that, why are you moping over a guy that obviously isn’t worth moping over? Enjoy life don’t mope over some idiot.

Answer #4

We arent together anymore because he emotionally abused me. Is it my fault i fell for an asshole? Dont judge me just try to help me.

Answer #5

Your quite dramatic aern’t you? If he was so special then you would still be together and you wouldn’t be moping. So obviously he isn’t worth moping over.

Answer #6

lyubopitka>thats so not true! Thats called a rebound, and those are the biggest mistakes, and very unhealthy. You first have to deal with your feelings from the past, before you can actually find peace for the future with someone new! Otherwise you will be dragging all that baggage into your new relationship!! Get over one before starting another!!!

Answer #7

The best way to get over a guy is to find yourself another one :)

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