Help please

okay so me and my boyfriend have been going out for a while now. but when i tell him i love him he doesnt seem to believe me. he tells me to prove it. but honestly i dont know how!

Answer #1

I hope he doesnt mean proving it by doing something sexual! The 2 above are correct. You shouldnt have to prove to someone that you love them. If you are commited to them, and treat them good, there shouldnt be any doubts. He sounds like hes very insecure. Ask him to prove HIS love for you!!!

Answer #2

He should trust you that your not lying. You should not have to prove it to him. If you have the guts to tell someone you love them, that should be proof enough, in my opinion anyways, because love is a strong word.

Answer #3

I agree with beenloved….it is a strong word and you shouldn’t really use it unless you know what love is…if he’s your first boyfriend or you his first girlfriend then it’s gonna take a while fo you to realize what love is especially guys….they take allot longer than woman, so don’t worry about it it will come naturally it always does :)

good luck hun

Answer #4

Prove it by being there for him whenever he needs you

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