What should I do about him?

I really need some help I dont know what to do my boyfriend hits me we went out a long time ago and he was abusive so I broke up with him after that he went to get help and we went back out everything was perferct then it was when his little brother died he started getting the same way again he says he will get help and I dont want to leave at his hard time in his life not only that is going on but my ex boyfriend is trying to make me crazy a long time ago maybe in 2006 I was sick and was put in a hospital to get help bacause iwas seeing things that werent really there and my ex knew about it and now it feels like its coming back and my ex is wanting it to come back in 2007 when we went out my x tried poisoning me I know it sounds like a lot I just need some advice

Answer #1

Wow - So because his little brother died you’re practically saying it’s okay that he abused you? Seriously think about what you’re saying. Obviously things are going to be hard for him because his brother died, but he did you wrong, really wrong and you should leave him. There is no excuse why a guy should ever lay a hand on you, ever, and I think it’s crazy you’re still with him. He even tried poisoning you, like is this not a flashing red light that you need to get away from this guy? He has no respect for you, at all, and by you letting him do this you’re proving that you have respect for yourself either. You need to get your priorities straight and realize this guy is just out to get you, you need to stop all communication with him and just move on with your life. Everytime you start to miss him remember the bad things he’s done to you, you could have died several times due to his actions.

Guys like this do-not improve although you keep hoping he’ll change, I can guarantee he wont. It goes from verbal, to physical, to sexual, do you want that? I sure hope you don’t. Staying with him is digging your own grave and you’ll wish you had of left but it will be too late if you don’t do it A.S.A.P.

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