Help please!!

My girlfriend and I have been going out for almost 10 months. She is fifteen and I am seventeen years old and we are very much in love. But something bad had happened recently, she told me that she is pregnant…I don’t know what to do…I’m a sophomore, getting my job soon, and I don’t know if we should keep it or not because of all the consequences like my parents, responsibilities, money, etc. What should I do? Any advice?

Answer #1

if yall really love each other then i think ya’ll should tell ya’lls parents and just go through with everything!!! but first yall need to sit down alone and see how each other is feeling

Answer #2

if u really love her that much u should tell her parents and yours and her her raise your child. after all u luv her right?

Answer #3

love has NOTHING to do with this. your talking about creating a human being. a person that will require money (too much for just a sophmore in collage to come up with) time (that u need for studies, or to have fun, ur still young) and patience on which i cant comment. If u are not finacially stable, i recommend u two, as a couple, shouldnt have it. Yes abortion is risky, but so is giving birth if ur 15. This will not only ruin you lives, but the baby’s life too. You shouldnt bring a child ino this world when ur still a kid urself. have fun, thats what ur supposed to do. and if u or she feels bad? just remember, at the begining its not even a baby yet. it cant feel anything. and i recommend u tlk to ur parents for insight AFTER u talk to eachother.

Answer #4

You can’t do much without her perspective on the situation too, but one thing I’d recommend is finding a Planned Parenthood clinic near you and that way you can make sure she’s pregnant and find out all your options before having to confront your families about it- which eventually you must do. Sit down and talk to her about everything you’re feeling(i.e. what you said in your question), be completely honest, and then listen to her side. If you two are completely lost and can’t find a clinic, don’t try to deal with it without your parents- they love you and most likely will help you even if they are disappointed or angry. Good Luck!

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