Help me with this...

I’m completely in love with a girl who seems to be straight out of a storybook. She comes over and does random acts of kindess for me, like cook me dinner, watch movies with me on friday nights. ( She has a key to my apartment ) I’m 24 and I’m a bit confused as to what I should do. She is really like a good friend, but me and her always seem to end up cuddling later on in movies and at late night T.V watching. What do I say?

Answer #1

this sounds soo cute! take the chance! I think that you should talk to her abit first, cause im SURE that you wouldnt want to ruin a friendship like this … even IF you really wish it could be more. aweee!! -thats really all I can say ♥ -good luck though bud.

Answer #2

try to make a move when you are cuddling.. dont move to fast, but try to just kiss her… and then if that goes well, tell her how you feel

Answer #3

it seems like you really like her and with her doing all those things for you it sounds like she likes you too. one night while your watching tv or a movie bring it up and talk about it. take a chance.

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